Mini Ambassadors

Lauren Tan

Highschool Teacher

Teaches AP CompSci, CompSci Principles, & Math

Worked as an engineer

Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Master's Degree of Computer Science Education

Sarah Imbriglio

Academic Dean

Dean of the STEM and Health Sciences Division at Raritan Valley Community College

Formerly a Chemistry Professor

BS in Chemistry

PhD in Organic Chemistry

Mark Galesi

Highschool Teacher

Teaches AP Computer Science and Intro to Computer Programming

Has taught AP Computer Science for 9 years

Ridge Computer Science Club Advisor

Has contributed to the development of the all computer science curriculum at Ridge High School.

Maura Crouch

Teen Services Librarian

Formerly a Children's Library Assistant at Mount Olive Public Library, spearheading STEM programming

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology

Graduate Degree in Library Science

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