DNA+ Education

STEM, yes you can!

How do we operate?


STEM is a mindset, not just a degree. It's about creating innovative, critical, problem-solvers that are able to create, imagine, and try. DNA+ is driven to open your world to one of creativity and problem-solving.

Explore the world of STEM through the resources that we provide for you. Watch our videos, read our books, attend our workshops, check out our blog, volunteer to be a part of the effort!


At DNA+, our strategy for inspiring children to explore STEM uses interactive workshops and educational modules. We conduct these workshops at local libraries and collaborate with schools to reach out to as many students as we can! 


— Awareness —

We believe in exposing kids to the fascinating concepts of STEM to encourage them to broaden their horizons and learn beyond what is taught in classrooms!

— Resources —

We provide resources, sponsorships, and opportunities to cultivate and encourage young minds in the field of STEM as a continuous passion.

Check out our workshops page, our modules page, and our media page for more information!

— Partnerships —

We partner with organizations, institutions, and centers to build connections and foster kids' education. By building scope and impact, we are the funnel for kids to explore.

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